Don't you love it when you get a surprise in the mail? Today I opened up an envelope and inside was a note from daughter #3 with a little dark hair about 1/2" long taped to the top of the note. I read;
"I'm sending this back, I don't want it! I repeat, I DO NOT want any part of your chin hairs!" I'm thinking "Yikes, did I accidentally shed at her house or something?! But as I read on, my guilt lifts and I start laughing hysterically. She continues:
"I pulled this out of my chin today and thought you might like to see it! It begins! The note, complete with attached hair now hangs proudly on my refrigerator door.
Often I am around other woman my age or older and they complain about
one chin hair they have to keep plucked.
ONE! I mean
REALLY! If I only had to worry about one I would rejoice from the mountain tops. I guarantee you my chin and upper lip would give any eighteen year old male a run for his money. If I had to count them and come up with a number it would be much closer to one hundred than one. The lip, I keep clipped short with one of those clipper things you see on TV, which is much less painful than a tweezer but does leave a definite stubble you cannot see but you can feel. Some of the ones on my chin I can keep up with, but a lot of them I cannot see or I'm not coordinated enough to get the tweezers to work right in order to get them. So, bless my husbands heart, I'll hand him a tweezers and lay my head in his lap while he's watching TV and he'll do his best to keep people from knowing he is married to the "bearded woman".

Why I was blessed with this abundance I don't know. I have two older sisters, one eighteen years older than me and another one, sixteen years older who are absolutely beautiful. I can only pray that I will look like them when I am over seventy years old. I have heard them say they have a couple chin hairs so I didn't get my Sasquatch tendencies from them. I know all four of my girls are hoping they take after their aunts and not their mother, so no wonder the hair that now resides in my kitchen struck panic in my daughter's heart! So Stacie, here's to hoping this is your one and only, that it begins and ends on the same day. And thanks for the laugh, everytime I open the Fridge now, I will get a chuckle!
Loved this! Thanks for letting me know that I am not the only woman on earth with this issue. Not that I thought I was but I still think I am too young! Oh, and please don't tell my husband just yet. :0(