When Kyle first started kindergarten, he was in the same class as a sweet special needs girl named Tristan. Teachers constantly told me how compassionate and kind Kyle was to Tristan. I was told that for many years the school made sure that they were both in the same class because Kyle was so helpful to her. In junior high and high school, it was common for Tristan to see him across the track field or gym and run across to say hi and give him a big hug. One time when a carnival was in town, Tristan's mother looked for Kyle to ask him if he would take Tristan on a few of the rides. Tristan moved to a much bigger town, three hours away, when her and Kyle were Sophomore's in high school. Occasionally he would get a text from her on the phone, but other than that, Tristan was just a fond memory.
Unbeknown to us, in the town that Tristan moved to was another Sophomore named Dani. Their class had two hundred and fifty kids in it instead of the forty some that were in Kyle's class. Nevertheless, Dani noticed Tristan and she always made a point to visit with her and help her out if she ever saw her having trouble with anything. Several years later, Kyle attended college in Dani and Tristan's home town. Kyle and Dani met and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now, two years later, they have both finished their first year of teaching special ed students. They both love their jobs and you can tell they have a passion and love for the children they teach. I know people say that opposites attract, but other than the only child / big family thing, Dani and Kyle seem to have an awfully lot in common. We sure are glad their "pod" happens to be in our area, and I've been told there are a few parents and students who feel the same way!
I enjoyed reading this so much! My youngest son Preston has the same compassionate personality as Kyle. In his kindergarten class were two special needs students and his teacher told me that he was the only student that would take the time to assist them rather than push them away because they couldn't get it just right. Jamie and I once had a discussion about how much her brother Kyle and my son Preston were alike. It is a dream of mine for Preston to become an educator for special needs children. To this day he has a special place in his heart for anyone younger and smaller or less able as he. He loves babies and will make a perfect father. I told him he should marry a brain surgeon and be a stay at home dad. I am so thankful that God puts people on earth like your Kyle, Dani and my Preston.