Quickly reading through two articles in the paper today made me pause. The first one was about the search for missing victims of the massive tornado's in the south. It told of a father who was present when the body of his twenty one year old son who was a college student in Alabama was found among the debris and twisted trees. The father kneeled down and caressing his son's face started talking to him, telling him how much he loved him, how proud he was of him and how much he would be missed. Having son's close to that age, it was easy to put my son's faces on that young man. The horror of what those poor people have been living hit me like a ton of bricks.
Next, I read about a Rwanda woman who was testifying at a trial against a man who carried out ethnic cleansing murders against her entire village, killing her husband and three young children. Reading stories like this make me ask so many questions. How can such horror be happening to others while I am safe here in my own home and my concerns are so trivial they are laughable. How do people go on after something like that happens to them? Why have I had such an easy life, nothing truly bad ever coming my way or to the ones I love? And the big one...would I keep my faith if it did?
I've read countless stories and personal testimonies from people who have endured the worst imaginable things. People like Corrie Tin Boom who was imprisoned in a Nazi camp and lost her sister there who not only kept her faith through it all but who's faith was strengthened. Or the man who wrote the hymn, "It is well with my soul", who wrote it the morning after all four of his children drowned at sea. Or Elizabeth Elliot who's husband was speared to death by the Auca Indians in South America and went on to live and teach in the very village of the people who killed him. Would I be that strong? Would I be able to praise Jesus name if a trial like that came my way? Oh Lord, I hope and pray I would, but I can't say with certainty what I would do because I have never had my faith tested in that way. It's easy to sound all pious and say I put my trust in the Lord when I live as charmed a life as I do, but what would I say or do if was all taken away from me? On the other hand, I can't imagine how anyone could ever get through a tragedy without Jesus taking them by the hand, guiding them, loving them, comforting them. I have a feeling these are common feelings, if I am anything, I am just a common person. I think the only thing I can do is make sure my relationship with Christ is strong. Make reading his word and praying the most important part of everyday. Ask him each day to strengthen my faith. Ask him in advance for the grace, spiritual maturity and strength I will need for any future trial.
After the last paragraph, I was interrupted by a phone call from hubby, needing me to make a "parts run". On the way to town I prayed and thought about all these things and Jesus reminded me of two very important things he said to all of us. Number one - Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries of it's own and tomorrow will take care of itself. (Matthew 6:34) Number two - My grace is sufficient for you, for when you are weak, I am strong! (2 Corinthians 12:9)
All I've got to say is Wow! How amazing is He?!? How much calmer my heart feels after hearing those words. If he is concerned enough about me to know exactly what I need and comfort me over anxious thoughts, how much more is He there when someone has fallen into the deepest darkest pit? Lord Jesus, I pray for all the people today, trying to put their lives back together after a storm or the loss of loved ones. Lord, in my comfort and peaceful place today, let me not forget that others need lifted up. Please let them feel your presence so strongly, please show them how to lean on you, please hold them close in your arms. Let them feel your peace that transcends all understanding. Amen