The kids always look forward to it, but they always tell us "you don't have to do this guy's". We know that, and we probably won't do it forever, but right now we all enjoy it. We get a kick out of creating fun for the Daddy's and Mommy's who we watch put so much time and effort into doing things for their own children. We have as much fun, if not more, planning the day, the place, and hiding the eggs as they do finding them. And as hard as it is to make ends meet as a young family, our goal is that they will all find enough to take their family out to a movie or dinner. We love making memories with them. But most of all, we love watching thirty-somethings take out running across a field with a sack in their hand, searching for plastic easter eggs and how excited they get when they find one. I guess it is true, there's a little kid inside of each of us, no matter what our age!
Celebrating the everyday joys that come with marriage, big families, and simple country living!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Egg Hunt
This weekend we celebrated one of our annual family traditions. We don't buy our children birthday presents, I don't even do cards, they just get a "happy birthday dude" on the phone or facebook. I have on occasion even forgotten to do that! With our bunch totaling twenty seven, we have to keep our Christmas's modest, so, we do other things through the year and one of those things is an Easter Egg hunt for the big "kids", ranging in age from twenty three years to thirty nine!
This year each colored egg was worth one dollar and camouflage eggs were mostly worth $5, but a few had $10, and a couple had $20 written in them. We usually schedule it on Saturday of Easter weekend, as most of them spend Easter with their other families. With a family this size we have found it easier to let the other families have the actual holidays and we celebrate on other days so we can all be together. They all came for lunch, this year it was spaghetti and we were treated to the usual trash talk about who would be the champion! After we clean up the dishes, we loaded up the bus and headed to where Pa and I had hidden the plastic eggs. I did my best to explain the boundaries, but they were so hyped and anxious to get started they didn't listen. I know this because they were constantly screaming to ask us if there were any up here or over here and I had to scream the boundaries again. I have to scream over Mark who is screaming at them that they should have listened the first time. Soon, there are shouts of "CAMO EGG!", followed by "GOOD JOB HONEY!". Meanwhile Grandpa and Grandma corral the grandkids and we hide candy for them in a different area so they have something to hunt too. After about forty five minutes we gathered to count eggs. Knowing there were thirty two camouflage eggs and only twenty were found some headed back out again, but many stayed behind being too pooped to go on looking. Eventually even the "die hards" give up, accepting the fact that some of the eggs will stay hidden forever! Back at home we sat down and counted out each couple's eggs and I paid out the loot. There was much hootin' and howlerin' and braggin' by the winners, and pictures were taken of each couple and their haul! This years winning couple was Ryan and Karen.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Rebuke a Wise Man
My bible reading plan has me in Proverbs this week. It is one of those books you can't help but love and can have new revelations every time you open it up. Such was the case again today. In Proverbs Chapter nine I read:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Verse 10
"The woman Folly is loud, she is undisciplined and without knowledge." Verse 13
"Do not rebuke a fool or he will hate you, but rebuke a wise man and he will love you" Verse 8
When I look around today, I think how very true! The so called educated leaders, news people, and other celebrities think they are so wise but they don't have a clue and are running our country into the dirt. They mock people who believe in God and have done everything in their power to take him out of any public arena. No wonder, because they have no fear of God, they have no wisdom or understanding. They are full of folly, they are definitely undisciplined, spending this country to the brink of bankruptcy. And heaven forbid that someone may point out that they may be wrong or a different idea may work better. That just opens up more finger pointing and hateful jabs back at that person. Both sides seem to be concerned with only one thing, keeping themselves in power. How long can a country last when their leaders only produce legislation that will buy them votes and keep their party in power instead of what would be good for the country?
But enough about other people. (Isn't that typical, how many times do we read the bible and think "YEAH! So and so needs to read that!!!) I don't think that was God's intended use for his scriptures but one I've been guilty of many many times. These three verses speak volumes about my life. I can't think of a truer statement about me than "when I came to know the Lord it was the beginning of wisdom and knowledge in my life." Not to say by any means that I know it all, far from that, but it opened up the path for God to reveal new things to me each and every day. Before that time, I was the woman "Folly". I was loud, undisciplined and without knowledge. Believe me, I can still be that woman, but because I know the Lord, I am sensitive to his desire for my life and open to his rebuke.
Which brings me to the third verse, verse eight. How difficult a verse to put into action in my own personal life. "Do not rebuke a fool or he will hate you, but rebuke a wise man and he will love you". I can remember when I was a teenager my mother saying, "Norma, you are not very good at taking criticism" and I would think, "Well who would be!" But as God points out in this verse, it is to my own benefit when someone shows me where I may be wrong or something I can do better. How easy, foolish, and childish it is to become defensive and lash back at the person who said something to me. How humble to contemplate what was said and discern if there may be an element of truth to it. How wise I would be, if I realize the person was right, to not only not be mad at them, but to thank them for their concern for me and their courage to speak up. I don't even think it is humanly possible, it is only with the grace of the Lord that I could ever accomplish this, but it is definitely a goal worth working toward. Because after all, I want to be the best person, best mother, best wife, best daughter of Christ that I can be. If I am falling short in some way, and someone on the outside looking in sees it, and lovingly makes me aware, it will only help me accomplish those goals better. Probably one of the hardest criticism's to take would be from someone who isn't on the outside looking in, but rather from someone who is on the inside with me, like a husband, or a child, or a parent. I know I would (and have) immediately start thinking about all the things that they do wrong in my eyes and be ready to let them have it with both barrels! But, I just can't seem to pull out of these verses anything that remotely says that is the way to react wisely.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Off the beaten path

But even more than that, our walks are like a mini vacation every day! And I have Mark to thank for that. He announced the first day that he can't stand just walking the road. He wants to be able to see new things. I thought, "OK, and exactly how are you going to do that, we can only walk four different directions from our house and it pretty much all looks the same." I couldn't have been more wrong. We do off-road walking! He talks to the land owners around us and gets their permission and we and our dog Shadow head out cross country through pastures and wheat fields and I absolutely love it. I never know which way we're heading. He makes that decision and is always thinking of new places to take me and it is a surprise each morning. Last night I heard him talking to someone on the phone and when I asked who he had been talking to he said he was getting permission from someone to take me on a walk through a new place. Occasionally, we load up in the pickup and drive a short ways to get to where he wants us to walk. I had no idea the beauty that surrounds me and all within five miles of home! We've seen a newborn colt who wasn't even dry yet, countless deer, had turkeys run right in front of us and fly into a tree, and watched dozens of gorgeous sunrises. We've walked though the plum thicket groves in full bloom, walked to many farm ponds and watched Shadow learn how to swim in them, walked by the river and collected all sorts of
interesting treasures to show the grandkids like different animal skulls and deer antlers. We've come upon some amazing deep gullies, climbed down into shadowy basins and climbed up some very steep cliffs to get out of them that left us laughing and catching our breath when we finally reached the top. I am always so glad that my phone takes pictures so I could capture some of the truly breathtaking scenery stretched out before us. I tell him every morning that I feel like I'm on vacation, traveling down a scenic walking trail. What a wonderful way to start our days! Gotta go, I've got some thank you cards to write!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Buck Pee and Syrup
Today is my oldest Grandson Brett's eleventh birthday. Brett is an interesting child to say the least! When he was a toddler, he didn't give his mother a moment's slack. Now, he hardly ever gives his mother a moments trouble. A couple of the adventures he sent his mamma on are definitely worth archiving in our families history blog!
Adventure number one started with a frantic phone call from daughter Kristi. Brett was about two years old and good mommy that she was, she called me instead of beating her little darling within a inch of his life. Seems little Brett found the syrup bottle and took it to his parents bedroom, popped the top and proceeded to squirt it across the shoes in the closet, on their clothes, jumped up on the bed leaving a trail of syrup everywhere he went. There was syrup on each blanket, each sheet, each pillow, each shoe, each wall, well, pretty much every inch of their bedroom. When I answered the phone, I heard, "OKAY! Give it to me straight! What am I doing wrong as a parent and what can I do differently because I don't think this is what normal children do!!!!" I assured her that normal toddlers can get into things you would never imagine but she assured me that she had been around toddlers all her life being the oldest of six children and she didn't care if it was normal she honestly wanted to know what I had observed in her parenting and what I would do differently. Wow! How many mothers ever have that questioned posed to them? (That is just an example of Kristi's humility and willingness to learn from others. We have often commented on this positive trait of hers.) But truthfully I had not witnessed any grievous parenting mistake but she pressed me to come up with something because "She was turning this child around!"
So, I told her the only piece of parental advice I have ever given any of my children. You are the boss! The child is not the boss. If you want them to do something or want them not to do something, say it once and mean it. Choose your battles carefully, because if you tell them not to do something and then later decide that it really was no big deal and let them do it, it sends the wrong message to them, the message that if they just keep trying they will get you to cave. Don't worry about what other people expect out of their children, different families have different rules and expectations. Each family will learn what is important and what works for them. But make sure they know what you expect out of them, and again, YOU are the boss, they aren't. In too many families it's the other way around.
Grandpa loves to tell the syrup story as well as the one below. He always finishes it by saying he doesn't know what Kristi did to Bert (what he calls Brett) that night and he probably doesn't want to know, but he was a completely different kid after that, a model child who never got into anything. I don't think that was probably the case, but you know how grandpa's love to exaggerate!
The next story I'm not for sure where it fit into the timeline of the syrup showdown, if it was before or after, but it definitely deserves a place in the archives also. This time Brett was just trying to mimic his daddy whom he adores. Shane is an avid hunter and so of course little Brett loved to imitate him and played hunting all over the house. One day Kristi saw him with her squirt bottle of water that she used for her hair, squirting it all over the living room furniture. " Brett, stop squirting that water all over the furniture" she said as she took the bottle away from him. "But Mommy", he cried, "It's not water it's my buck pee so the deer will come." "At first Kristi laughed but them she glanced at the bottle and hoped she was just seeing things when she thought she caught a glimpse of faint yellow in the bottle. She took off the top and sniffed and sure enough, Brett had dumped the water and proceeded to make his own "Buck pee".
Today Kristi has four little boys ranging in age from Brett's eleven to baby Branden's one. She is a wonderful mother to boys. Whenever she was working outside and wanted the boys to keep the youngest one safe she would tell them to pretend he was an "injured soldier and they had to keep the enemy from getting him" thus she has a knack of making a chore into fun. Brett now, is a very independent little eleven year old, getting up and making his own breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Kristi has seen him outside when the others are playing and he's picking up the yard and when she asks what he is doing, he'll answer "Oh, I thought I should be doing something constructive." Kristi has commented many times that she sometimes worries about how old he acts and wishes he would just be a kid.
When our family of twenty seven all get together, we are quite a boisterous bunch, noisy, silly, and probably a bit embarrassing for the pre-teens among us. Last year for his tenth birthday we gave Brett a surprise party. We decorated our family bus, loaded everybody up, drove into his yard, his uncle went in and grabbed him, carried him upside down onto the bus as we all screamed "Surprise!" We then headed to a bowling alley forty miles away for pizza and bowling. As usual when we all get together we had a blast. But the one thing I will never forget about that particular time was how much fun Brett had. How he turned lose and we actually saw this ultra-mature"thirty year old in a ten year old body" transform into a child in front of our very eyes. So thanks for the memories Brett and now this grandma is going to go in and bake you some chocolate chip cookies for your eleventh!
Adventure number one started with a frantic phone call from daughter Kristi. Brett was about two years old and good mommy that she was, she called me instead of beating her little darling within a inch of his life. Seems little Brett found the syrup bottle and took it to his parents bedroom, popped the top and proceeded to squirt it across the shoes in the closet, on their clothes, jumped up on the bed leaving a trail of syrup everywhere he went. There was syrup on each blanket, each sheet, each pillow, each shoe, each wall, well, pretty much every inch of their bedroom. When I answered the phone, I heard, "OKAY! Give it to me straight! What am I doing wrong as a parent and what can I do differently because I don't think this is what normal children do!!!!" I assured her that normal toddlers can get into things you would never imagine but she assured me that she had been around toddlers all her life being the oldest of six children and she didn't care if it was normal she honestly wanted to know what I had observed in her parenting and what I would do differently. Wow! How many mothers ever have that questioned posed to them? (That is just an example of Kristi's humility and willingness to learn from others. We have often commented on this positive trait of hers.) But truthfully I had not witnessed any grievous parenting mistake but she pressed me to come up with something because "She was turning this child around!"
So, I told her the only piece of parental advice I have ever given any of my children. You are the boss! The child is not the boss. If you want them to do something or want them not to do something, say it once and mean it. Choose your battles carefully, because if you tell them not to do something and then later decide that it really was no big deal and let them do it, it sends the wrong message to them, the message that if they just keep trying they will get you to cave. Don't worry about what other people expect out of their children, different families have different rules and expectations. Each family will learn what is important and what works for them. But make sure they know what you expect out of them, and again, YOU are the boss, they aren't. In too many families it's the other way around.
Grandpa loves to tell the syrup story as well as the one below. He always finishes it by saying he doesn't know what Kristi did to Bert (what he calls Brett) that night and he probably doesn't want to know, but he was a completely different kid after that, a model child who never got into anything. I don't think that was probably the case, but you know how grandpa's love to exaggerate!
The next story I'm not for sure where it fit into the timeline of the syrup showdown, if it was before or after, but it definitely deserves a place in the archives also. This time Brett was just trying to mimic his daddy whom he adores. Shane is an avid hunter and so of course little Brett loved to imitate him and played hunting all over the house. One day Kristi saw him with her squirt bottle of water that she used for her hair, squirting it all over the living room furniture. " Brett, stop squirting that water all over the furniture" she said as she took the bottle away from him. "But Mommy", he cried, "It's not water it's my buck pee so the deer will come." "At first Kristi laughed but them she glanced at the bottle and hoped she was just seeing things when she thought she caught a glimpse of faint yellow in the bottle. She took off the top and sniffed and sure enough, Brett had dumped the water and proceeded to make his own "Buck pee".
Today Kristi has four little boys ranging in age from Brett's eleven to baby Branden's one. She is a wonderful mother to boys. Whenever she was working outside and wanted the boys to keep the youngest one safe she would tell them to pretend he was an "injured soldier and they had to keep the enemy from getting him" thus she has a knack of making a chore into fun. Brett now, is a very independent little eleven year old, getting up and making his own breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Kristi has seen him outside when the others are playing and he's picking up the yard and when she asks what he is doing, he'll answer "Oh, I thought I should be doing something constructive." Kristi has commented many times that she sometimes worries about how old he acts and wishes he would just be a kid.
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