But even more than that, our walks are like a mini vacation every day! And I have Mark to thank for that. He announced the first day that he can't stand just walking the road. He wants to be able to see new things. I thought, "OK, and exactly how are you going to do that, we can only walk four different directions from our house and it pretty much all looks the same." I couldn't have been more wrong. We do off-road walking! He talks to the land owners around us and gets their permission and we and our dog Shadow head out cross country through pastures and wheat fields and I absolutely love it. I never know which way we're heading. He makes that decision and is always thinking of new places to take me and it is a surprise each morning. Last night I heard him talking to someone on the phone and when I asked who he had been talking to he said he was getting permission from someone to take me on a walk through a new place. Occasionally, we load up in the pickup and drive a short ways to get to where he wants us to walk. I had no idea the beauty that surrounds me and all within five miles of home! We've seen a newborn colt who wasn't even dry yet, countless deer, had turkeys run right in front of us and fly into a tree, and watched dozens of gorgeous sunrises. We've walked though the plum thicket groves in full bloom, walked to many farm ponds and watched Shadow learn how to swim in them, walked by the river and collected all sorts of
interesting treasures to show the grandkids like different animal skulls and deer antlers. We've come upon some amazing deep gullies, climbed down into shadowy basins and climbed up some very steep cliffs to get out of them that left us laughing and catching our breath when we finally reached the top. I am always so glad that my phone takes pictures so I could capture some of the truly breathtaking scenery stretched out before us. I tell him every morning that I feel like I'm on vacation, traveling down a scenic walking trail. What a wonderful way to start our days! Gotta go, I've got some thank you cards to write!
This just warms my heart more than I can explain. So glad he is able to do this. He is better than me. I find myself mad he lost 12 years but oh so thankful he has his health back!!! Love you both so much!!