Until a couple weeks ago. And the worst part is, I have no idea where I got it! I have been nowhere other than my own yard and garden. Thankfully, it never went anywhere but my lower legs, but that just adds to the puzzle. If Mark had gotten into it and I got it off his clothes, I would have had it on my arms. That morning, I had waded through our watermelon and cantalope vines looking for melons and they came up about knee high, but who has ever heard of poisionous melon vines?!? I tried to stay sensible about it, telling myself there has to be an explanation, but I would go out to the garden and feel a blade of grass, a leaf, or a weed touch my leg and literally run back to the house in a panic.

I took it for a week, treating myself with all the home remedies that I knew of, but it kept getting worse and spreading. I looked on the internet for other home remedies. One said to scrape all the blisters open, wipe it down with bleach and then rub salt in the wounds! I thought, Yeah, Right! I could also pour gunpowder on my legs and set them on fire but I don't think I'm quite that desperate yet! Finally after much prodding from kids and hubby I went to the doctor. After being put on Prednisone I started seeing improvement right away. Why do we resist the doctor so? (Could it be the $2500 deductible?) Even though I don't like the way the Prednisone makes me feel, all jittery inside, at least I am not having suicidal thoughts from the insane itch anymore! Now, if I can just conquer my new-found fear of watermelon vines!
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